IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) solutions for an industry 4.0

Technological innovation is being introduced every day into more fields, one of which is the industry. Some of the IIoT objectives are to help industries reduce machine downtime, to optimize production processes and to reduce costs.

When we talk about 4.0 industries, we refer to the following evolution:

  • Industry 1.0: Mechanization and the first steam machines
  • Industry 2.0: Chain production
  • Industry 3.0: Electronic systems and information technologies
  • Industry 4.0: Computer systems integration and processes digitalization

Our experience implementing these solutions is as varied as our clients. In IIoT, each implementation is different from the previous one.
We offer solutions and implementations in different areas, such as energy, health, oil and agriculture, for example:

  • Sensor implementation: Different types of sensors that collect data 24×7, such as temperature and humidity, current, voltage, light, sounds, etc.
  • Monitoring: Multiplatform interfaces (PCs, Smartphones, TVs, Smartwatches, etc.) for the centralized visualization of all their sensors
  • Actuators: Automated actions in response to any anomaly detection as per previously introduced parameters
  • Automation: Actions scheduled according to the day, time, etc., in addition to the automatic ones triggered upon any deviation from the set parameters
  • Alerts: Alert system that, in case of anomalies, reports them by email, SMS and Telegram
  • Data centralization and analysis: Generation of different types of customizable reports so you can always have control panels that allow a clear view of the information necessary for business management
  • Artificial Intelligence: Through Machine Learning, an analysis is made of usual behaviors by time slots and the different measurements. Therefore, the system can learn what the normal behavior is based on certain parameters and, in this way, when some value surpasses these parameters, different actions can be triggered automatically. This tool can also detect anomalies before they escalate, as well as simplify monitoring tasks and reduce possible false positives

The following graphs are an example of the different ways in which to show information in real time.